The Company/Collective person card is available both in physical and electronic format and combines:  

  • the Collective Person Identification Number (NIPC) 
  • the social security number (NISS), when applicable  
  • the name and registered head office of the entity  
  • the main CAE (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities) and up to three secondary CAEs in case of the physical card, and up to 19 secondary CAEs in case of the electronic card
  • the legal status
  • the date of incorporation
  • the access code to the permanent certificate generated following the first registry of submission of accounts  
  • the access code to the electronic version of the Company or Collective Person Card. 
    The physical card is valid until the information about the entity changes. For example, if a company changes its name, you need to request a new card. The electronic card is automatically updated. 

The Company/Collective Person Card identifies different types of entities.

Depending on the type of entity you are requesting a card for, you will receive either the company card or the Collective Person card. 

The Company card identifies: 

  • companies 
  • cooperatives 
  • public corporations 
  • sole Trader Entities with Limited Liability (EIRLs)  
  • complementary groups of companies (ACEs) 
  • european Economic Interest Groups (AEIEs) 
  • branches of foreign entities 
  • independent entrepreneurs registered in the Central File of Collective Persons (FCPC) 
  • and other entities subject to commercial registry. 

The Collective Person card identifies: 

  • associations (public utility or not) 
  • foundations (public utility or not) 
  • religious collective persons 
  • public administration bodies 
  • condominiums 
  • parents’ associations 
  • and other entities registered in the FCPC, but not subject to commercial registry. 

Company/Collective Person physical card 

The physical card can only be requested if the entity: 
  • is definitively registered in the register office or in the Central File of Collective Persons (FCPC)  
  • has not been cancelled 
  • has submitted the declaration of start of activity to the Tax authority (where applicable) 
  • is registered in the social security (where applicable). 

These conditions are automatically verified by the services.  

Company/Collective Person electronic card  

The electronic card has the same value as the physical card. It is automatically available to all entities at the time of its commercial registry or registry in the Central File of Collective Persons. 

Since the card is issued automatically, it does not require request unless the entity was established before 31 December 2008. In that case, in order to request an access code, it is enough to request a company or a collective person card in physical format. 

The electronic card can be consulted online by entering a code, and is always up to date.  

Who can request



How to request?

To request in person just state: 

  • your name and NIF 
  • the NIPC of the entity you wish to request the card  
  • the request is only completed upon payment. 

How to request online?

To request the Company Card/Collective Person Card online:  

  1. access the request application  
  2. enter your name (natural or collective person), taxpayer identification number (NIF) or Collective Person identification number, and email 
  3. choose in which name the receipt is issued (your own or in the name of the entity)
  4. enter the NIPC of the entity you wish to request the card  
  5. pay by ATM.

The payment must be made within 5 consecutive days from the date of submission of the request.


When to request?


Where to request?


If you prefer, you can request the Company or Collective Person Card in person:

How much does it cost? 

The request of a Company/Collective Person Card costs 14 EUR.