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Demerger and Merger Registry

Request your Demerger or Merger registry.

191,25 €
Criação de Empresas

Branch Office

Establish a branch or permanent representation in Portugal

Criação de Empresas

Cancel RCBE

Cancel RCBE online

free of charge
Gerir a Empresa

Change company name, registered head office and object

Changes to a company’s name, registered head office and object may be requested online, in person or by post.


Change Corporate bodies

Request the change, appointment, renewal and/or termination of members of corporate bodies.

85 €
Criação de Empresas

Consult Certificate of Admissibility

Consult online your certificate of admissibility, attesting that the entity’s name or designation may be used.

free of charge
Online and in-person service
Anyone with the access code can consult the certificate. 
Criação de Empresas

Consult request status for certificate of admissibilility of company name or designation

You can consult online the status of a request for a certificate of admissibility of a company name or designation.

Free of charge
Criação de Empresas

Form Association

Set up an association, with a single request at a single service desk.


Permanent certificate

The permanent certificate provides information about legal entities and other entities.

25 €
Criação de Empresas

RCBE - Communicate inaccuracies and non-conformities

Omission, inaccuracy, non-conformity or outdated information within RCBE must be comunicated

free of charge
Beneficial owners Entities obliged Authorities for the purpose of criminal investigations Supervisory and regulatory authorities Financial Intelligence Unit AT (Tax authorities) Manager/