
The change of corporate bodies is an alteration to the people or the structure of a company’s management bodies. 

Corporate bodies are responsible for the company’s management and administration, and usually include the general meeting, the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Board.    

The online service is available to:

  • sole quotaholder private limited companies  
  • private limited companies  
  • public limited companies. 

Who can request

Company’s manager, administrator or secretary  


Legal professional  

Lawyer, Notary, Solicitor

How to request

Manager and holders of positions in corporate bodies, must:  
  • be over 18
  • have a Portuguese NIF

To change corporate bodies, you will need to: 

  • State the company and position held
  • Identify the type of change of corporate bodies
  • Add request-related documents

Documents to submit vary according to the type of request  

Appointment of new corporate bodies

  • corporate deliberation approving the appointment (election of corporate bodies (managers/ administrators) 
  • a statement on behalf of manager accepting the appointment and being unaware of any circumstances which may affect occupying the position
  • a statement on behalf of Sole Inspector (SROC) and Alternate Sole Inspector accepting the appointment, for public limited companies.

Renewal of corporate bodies 

  • corporate deliberation approving the renewal  
  • a statement on behalf of manager accepting the appointment and being unaware of any circumstances which may affect occupying the position

Termination of appointment  

If the documents are not in Portuguese, please add their translation. 

How to request online

  1. Access the online service
  2. Select means of authentication: Citizen card, Digital Mobile key, Digital certificate of legal professionals, European Authentication (eIDAS)
  3. Complete the form and attach the necessary documents
  4. Make payment using the ATM reference  

Payment must be completed within 5 consecutive days after the submission request.


When to request

Within 2 months following the company’s deliberation to change corporate bodies. 

If it exceeds 2 months, there is an additional cost.


Where to request


In person/by post, at a Registry service desk. 

Schedule your appointment at portal Siga or use mobile application sigaApp, available for Android, iOS and macOS.

How much does it cost

Online Service Urgent request
Nomeação/ Recondução de órgãos: 148,75 EUR 323,57 EUR
Cessação de funções:  85,00 EUR 185,00 EUR  
Service in person / Request sent by post Urgent request
Nomeação/ Recondução de órgãos: 175,00 EUR 350,00 EUR
Cessação de funções:  100,00 EUR 200, 00 EUR  

What happens next

After submitting the request: 

We provide the billing document

The billing document is sent to your email. For requests in person, the billing document is delivered on the spot.

We begin to process your request

The request will be reviewed and if there are no non-conformities, the registry is approved 

If there are non-conformities in the request, you will be notified and have 5 consecutive days to correct them. Correction of non-conformities has an additional cost of 30,00 EUR. 

If you do not correct the request in due time, the registry might be provisionally approved or refused.  

Acess to the permanent certificate

You’ll receive the access code to the Permanent Certificate and the accounting document associated to the request.   

Requests sent by post, also receive documents by post. 

You must declare the beneficial owner within 30 days

Upon the registry, you have 30 days to make the beneficial owner registry.

Automatic communication 

Communication to Tax authorities and the Social Security is automatically processed by our system.

Update signatures

You must update the signatures of new managers/ administrators at the Bank. 

You must request and/or update the Certification System of Professional competences for new managers, or in case of renewal, and, communicate terminations of appointment.