The list of company names and designations offers a listing of pre-approved Company Names and Designations, already assigned with a Collective Person Identification Number (NIPC). 

The List of Company names is a listing comprising fantasy expressions created by RNPC and reserved in favour of the State, and can only be used within the scope of:

  • On the Spot Firm (Empresa na Hora)
  • On the Spot Associations
  • On the Spot Cooperatives
  • Online Company (Empresa Online)

You may add an expression to the chosen name identifying the company’s activity, for example: Taste of Paradise - Food, Lda. 

In case of the On the Spot Firm, the name is chosen at the time of the incorporation. 

In case of the Online Company, the name is reserved for 24 hours, until the payment method is selected. From that moment on, the reservation period is renewed for another 48 hours.