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  • Start
  • Applicant Identification
  • Request details
  • Request Summary
  • Payment
  • Serviço Concluido
  • Request Company/Legal Entity Card

  • The Company/Legal Entity Card identifies the company, corporation or legal entity to public and private entities and is available in physical and electronic format.

    Physical Card contains:

    • the corporate person identification number (NIPC)
    • the social security registration number (NISS), for entities subject to it
    • the name and headquarters of the entity
    • the main CAE code (Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities) and up to three secondary CAEs
    • the legal form
    • the date of establishment
    • the access code to the permanent certificate generated with the first record of account provision
    • the access code to the electronic version of the Company or Legal Entity Card.

    Electronic Card contains:

    • the corporate person identification number (NIPC)
    • the name and headquarters of the entity
    • the main CAE code (Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities) and up to 19 secondary CAEs
    • the legal form
    • the date of establishment

    In this service, you can request up to 10 physical cards. Each card has a cost of 14 euros.

    The physical card is sent to the address of the entity's headquarters.